
Anne of Green Gables

Marilla looked at Anne’s unhappy face. “I can’t give Anne to Mrs. Blewett,” she thought. “Wait,” she said. “First I have to discuss things with my brother, Matthew. He wants Anne to stay with us.” Anne looked at Marilla in surprise. Then she jumped up and ran across the room. “Can I really stay with you at Green Gables?” she asked. “Did you really say that?” “I don’t know,” said Marilla. “Now sit and be quiet.”

After I read “Anne of Green Gables,” I became to love Anne. She was really an honest and thoughtful girl. At the beginning of the story, she was poor because Marilla said that she didn’t want Anne. Anne had experienced unhappy life and she wasn’t needed every time. So it was good to her that Marilla and Matthew decided to stay with her. She was too honest so she made mistakes sometimes. However, I think it is one of her strong points not weak points. Her green hair made me surprised because it was impossible to be green hair. I wondered what color her hair was. It may not describe in detail. The book ended at the scene which Anne and Gilbert became a friend. I thought that he loved her. Then I searched about that, I had my expectations met. She got married to him. I want to read the original book. (229 words)

YL is 2.4, 8000 words. M.L.Montgomery and Penguin Books

1 件のコメント:

kumamizuotoko さんのコメント...

After you read the book, I recommend you do two things -

1) Rent the DVD of the TV movie made about it

2) Talk to Georgina - she's from Nova Scotia!

Mr. W.