
script for my podcast 1

JULIET: But if they see you, they’ll murder you.
ROMEO: There’s more danger in your eyes for me than from twenty of their swords!
JULIET: But I don’t want them to find you here!
ROMEO: The dark night will hide me from their eyes. And if I have your love, they can kill me. I prefer to die than to live without your love.

I read Romeo and Juliet because this story is important to read the Twilight saga. There are many quotations of Romeo and Juliet in the Twilight saga. So I wanted to know and read it deeply. Edward and Bella are really similar to Romeo and Juliet except in their death.
At first, I thought Romeo was very cowardly and effeminate. However, he was a skilled swordsman. It was cool but his power became one of the causes of the tragedy. His love for her was passionate and her love for him, too. (151 words)

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