
My favorite dish

This is one of my favorite dishes so I make it once a week. It is really easy to make, let's try!

Here is ingredients for 4 people; four potatoes, eight sausages, a half onion, five tablespoons of starch, two tbsps of sugar and soy sauce, one tbsp of cooking alcohol and vinegar and smack of salt and pepper.
Here is a recipe. First of all, you heat cut potatoes in a microwave oven for four minutes. Then, you saute them over medium heat for about two minute. After you brown them lightly, you remove from frying pan and put them on a dish. Next you saute cut sausage and onion. Finally, you put the browned potato into them and add the seasoning. That's all!
The salty-sweet potato is good and it goes well with rice. (134 words and total 8,035 words)

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